1. Liu, Y., Mao, Y., Lan, J., Wong, C.S., & Peng, K.Z. (in press). Conducting Studies on Person-Centered Career Interest Profiles: An Illustrative Example in Hong Kong. Journal of Career Development.
2. Liu, Y., Loi, R., & Ngo, H-Y. (2020). Linking organizational social exchange to intention to leave: Does normative commitment matter? International Journal of Human Resource Management, 31, 1663-1683.
3. Liu, Y., Zhu, J., & Lam, L.W. (2020). Obligations and feeling envied: a study of workplace status and knowledge hiding. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 35, 347-359.
4. Liu, Y., Mao, Y., &Wong, C.S. (2020). Theorizing parental intervention and young adults’ career development: a social influence perspective. Career Development International, 25, 415-428.
5. Liu, Y., Zou, X., & Shu, X. (2019). The process whereby organizational identification promotes and prohibits employees’ innovative behavior. Advances in Psychological Science, 27, 1153–1166. (In Chinese)
6. Mao, Y., Liu, Y., Jiang, C., & Zhang, I. (2018). Why am I ostracized and how would I react? — A review of workplace ostracism research. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 35,745-767.
7. Fan, X., Liu, Y., & Zou, X. (2018). Where there is light, there is dark: a dual process model of high-performance work systems in the eyes of employees. Frontiers of Business Research in China, 12, 1-18.
8. Liu, Y., Peng, K. Z., Mao, Y., & Wong, C. S. (2017). Different forms of relationships between vocational interests and career maturity in Chinese context. Journal of Career Development, 44, 425-439.
9. Hu, L., & Liu, Y. (2017). Abuse for status: A social dominance perspective of abusive supervision. Human Resource Management Review. 27, 328–337.
10. Xu, J., Liu, Y., & Beth, C. 2017. Leader psychological capital and employee work engagement: The roles of employee psychological capital and team collectivism. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 38, 969-985.
11. Loi, R., Liu, Y., Lam, L. W., & Xu, A. (2016). Buffering emotional job demands: The interplay between proactive personality and team potency. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 95–96, 128–137.
12. Lam, L. W., Liu, Y., & Loi, R. (2016). Looking intra-organizationally for identity cues: Whether perceived organizational support shapes employees’ organizational identification. Human Relations, 69, 345–367.
13. Lam, L. W., Loi, R., Chan, K.W., & Liu, Y. (2016) Voice more and stay longer: How ethical leaders influence employee voice and exit intentions. Business Ethics Quarterly, 26, 277-300.
14. 刘艳,彭正敏,黄炽森,2018.《青年职业选择及发展--基于科学实证的建议》,北京大学出版社。
15. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(2019-2022),项目编号71872135
16. 教育部人文社会科学规划项目(2017-2020),项目编号17YJA630062
2012 Emerald中国管理研究基金奖
2014 获得美国管理学会组织行为学部“杰出审稿人”称号。