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李绍龙博士在 Asia Pacific Journal of Management 发表论文

发布时间:2016年03月02日 00:00      来源:

中心李绍龙博士在 Asia Pacific Journal of Management 发表论文 “When and why empowering leadership increases followers’ taking charge: A multilevel examination in China”. Asia Pacific Journal of Management致力于发表亚洲、太平洋区域的管理和组织研究,该期刊以发表严谨、独特、原创的与亚太区域有关的高质量研究,2014年该刊的影响因子为2.091。该刊也属于武汉大学经济与管理学院的B+级奖励期刊。

AbstractDrawing from the cultural self-representation model, we propose a multilevel model to examine when and why empowering leadership elicits followers’ taking charge behaviors in China. Data from 310 full-time employees in 81 work groups provide support for the mediating role of role breadth self-efficacy in transforming team-directed empowering leadership into individual taking charge behaviors. In addition, this mediation relationship is found to be attenuated by high differentiated empowering leadership and low individual power distance orientation. Finally, we find support for a three-way moderated mediation—which the moderating effect of differentiated empowering leadership is found to be significant only among followers who have low power distance orientation. We conclude by discussing the theoretical and practical implications of these findings.

KeywordsEmpowering leadership. Taking charge .Differentiated leadership. Role breadth self-efficacy. Power distance orientation

Citation: Li, S. L., He, W., Yam, K.C., Long, L, R., 2015. When and why empowering leadership increases followers’ taking charge: A multilevel examination in China. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 32: 645-670.
