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涂乙冬副教授在Personality and Individual Differences发表论文

发布时间:2021年03月26日 14:22      来源:

        中心涂乙冬副教授及其合作者在Personality and Individual Differences发表论文“When and why conscientious employees are proactive: A three-wave investigation on employees' conscientiousness and organizational proactive behavior”. Personality and Individual Differences主要致力于发表一些文章(实验性的、相关的、理论性的、解释性的/综述性的),这些文章增强了我们对人格结构和其他形式的个体差异的理解,这些个体差异产生的过程,以及它们的实际应用。

AbstractThis study investigates the mediating and moderating processes underlying conscientiousness and organizational proactive behavior from broaden-and-build theory. Using three-wave and multi-source data among 217 Chinese employees, this study found that flourishing mediated the relationship between conscientiousness and organizational proactive behavior. Moreover, job meaningfulness strengthens the relationship between conscientiousness and flourishing, as well as the mediation of flourishing between conscientiousness and organizational proactive behavior. The theoretical and managerial implications are further discussed.

Key words: ConscientiousnessFlourishingOrganizational proactive behaviorJob meaningfulness Broaden-and-build theory

        CitationTu, Y., Lu, X. Wang, S., Liu, Y. (2020). When and why conscientious employees are proactive: A three-wave investigation on employees' conscientiousness and organizational proactive behavior. Personality and Individual Differences, 159, 109865
